package edu.kufpg.armatus.console; import; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.TextUtils; import; import; import; import; import edu.kufpg.armatus.util.ParcelUtils; import edu.kufpg.armatus.util.StringUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Contains values that describe an entry in {@link ConsoleListView}. This class * is primarily used for populating {@link android.view.View Views} in {@link * ConsoleEntryAdapter}. */ public class ConsoleEntry implements Parcelable { /** * The unique entry number used to identify this entry. Entry numbers begin * at 0 (although the first entry in the console may not be 0 since the number * of entries could exceed the {@link ConsoleActivity#CONSOLE_ENTRY_LIMIT * CONSOLE_ENTRY_LIMIT}). */ private final int mEntryNum; private final int mAst; private String mUserInput; private CommandResponse mCommandResponse; private String mErrorResponse; private CharSequence mShortContents; private ArrayList<CharSequence> mContentLines; public ConsoleEntry(int entryNum, int ast, String userInput) { this(entryNum, ast, userInput, null, null); } public ConsoleEntry(int entryNum, int ast, String userInput, CommandResponse commandResponse) { this(entryNum, ast, userInput, commandResponse, null); } public ConsoleEntry(int entryNum, int ast, String userInput, String errorResponse) { this(entryNum, ast, userInput, null, errorResponse); } protected ConsoleEntry(int entryNum, int ast, String userInput, CommandResponse commandResponse, String errorResponse) { this(entryNum, ast, userInput, commandResponse, errorResponse, buildShortContents(userInput, commandResponse, errorResponse)); } protected ConsoleEntry(int entryNum, int ast, String userInput, CommandResponse commandResponse, String errorResponse, CharSequence shortContents) { mEntryNum = entryNum; mAst = ast; mUserInput = userInput; mCommandResponse = commandResponse; mErrorResponse = errorResponse; mShortContents = shortContents; mContentLines = makeContentLines(getFullContents()); } protected ConsoleEntry(int entryNum, int ast, String userInput, CommandResponse commandResponse, String errorResponse, CharSequence shortContents, ArrayList<CharSequence> contentLines) { mEntryNum = entryNum; mAst = ast; mUserInput = userInput; mCommandResponse = commandResponse; mErrorResponse = errorResponse; mShortContents = shortContents; mContentLines = contentLines; } /** * Constructs a new instance with the specified {@code ConsoleEntry}'s number * and contents. * @param entry the {@code ConsoleEntry} to copy. */ public ConsoleEntry(ConsoleEntry entry) { this(entry.getEntryNum(), entry.getAst(), entry.getUserInput(), entry.getCommandResponse(), entry.getErrorResponse(), entry.getShortContents(), entry.getContentLines()); } public int getAst() { return mAst; } /** * Returns the entry's unique number. * @return the number used to identify this entry. */ public int getEntryNum() { return mEntryNum; } public String getUserInput() { return mUserInput; } public CommandResponse getCommandResponse() { return mCommandResponse; } public String getErrorResponse() { return mErrorResponse; } /** * Returns this entry's contents without the {@code hermit<ast> }prefix. * @return the unadorned entry contents. */ public CharSequence getShortContents() { return mShortContents; } public ArrayList<CharSequence> getContentLines() { return mContentLines; } /** * Returns this entry's contents including the {@code hermit<ast> }prefix. * @return the entry contents, including the prefix. */ public CharSequence getFullContents() { return getFullContentsPrefix().append(getShortContents()); } public SpannableStringBuilder getFullContentsPrefix() { SpannableStringBuilder prefix = new SpannableStringBuilder(StringUtils.NBSP); if (mAst != HermitClient.NO_TOKEN) { prefix = prefix.append("hermit<").append(String.valueOf(mAst)).append('>'); } else { prefix = prefix.append("armatus"); } prefix = prefix.append(StringUtils.NBSP); prefix.setSpan(new BackgroundColorSpan(Color.DKGRAY), 0, prefix.length(), 0); prefix.setSpan(new ForegroundColorSpan(Color.WHITE), 0, prefix.length(), 0); return prefix.append(StringUtils.NBSP); } public void appendCommandResponse(CommandResponse commandResponse) { mCommandResponse = commandResponse; mShortContents = buildShortContents(mUserInput, mCommandResponse, mErrorResponse); mContentLines = makeContentLines(getFullContents()); } public void appendErrorResponse(String errorResponse) { mErrorResponse = errorResponse; mShortContents = buildShortContents(mUserInput, mCommandResponse, mErrorResponse); mContentLines = makeContentLines(getFullContents()); } void setUserInput(String userInput) { mUserInput = userInput; mShortContents = buildShortContents(mUserInput, mCommandResponse, mErrorResponse); mContentLines = makeContentLines(getFullContents()); } private static ArrayList<CharSequence> makeContentLines(CharSequence contents) { ArrayList<CharSequence> contentLines = new ArrayList<CharSequence>(); int lineStart = 0; int length = contents.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (contents.charAt(i) == '\n') { contentLines.add(contents.subSequence(lineStart, i)); lineStart = i + 1; } } contentLines.add(contents.subSequence(lineStart, length)); return contentLines; } private static CharSequence buildShortContents(String userInput, CommandResponse commandResponse, String errorResponse) { SpannableStringBuilder builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(); if (userInput != null) { builder.append(userInput).append("\n"); } if (commandResponse != null) { if (commandResponse.hasGlyphs()) { builder.append(commandResponse.getGlyphText()).append("\n"); } if (commandResponse.hasMessage()) { builder.append(commandResponse.getMessage()).append("\n"); } } if (errorResponse != null) { builder.append(errorResponse).append("\n"); } if (builder.length() > 0) { builder = builder.delete(builder.length()-1, builder.length()); } return builder; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o instanceof ConsoleEntry) { ConsoleEntry ce = (ConsoleEntry) o; return mAst == ce.getAst() && mEntryNum == ce.getEntryNum() && mUserInput.equals(ce.getUserInput()) && mErrorResponse.equals(ce.getErrorResponse()) && mCommandResponse.equals(ce.getCommandResponse()); } else { return false; } } @Override public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(mAst, mEntryNum, mUserInput, mCommandResponse, mErrorResponse); } public static final Parcelable.Creator<ConsoleEntry> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<ConsoleEntry>() { @Override public ConsoleEntry createFromParcel(Parcel in) { int entryNum = in.readInt(); int ast = in.readInt(); String userInput = in.readString(); CommandResponse commandResponse = in.readParcelable(CommandResponse.class.getClassLoader()); String errorResponse = in.readString(); CharSequence shortContents = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in); ArrayList<CharSequence> contentLines = ParcelUtils.readArrayList(in); return new ConsoleEntry(entryNum, ast, userInput, commandResponse, errorResponse, shortContents, contentLines); } @Override public ConsoleEntry[] newArray(int size) { return new ConsoleEntry[size]; } }; @Override public int describeContents() { return 0; } @Override public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) { dest.writeInt(mEntryNum); dest.writeInt(mAst); dest.writeString(mUserInput); dest.writeParcelable(mCommandResponse, flags); dest.writeString(mErrorResponse); TextUtils.writeToParcel(mShortContents, dest, flags); ParcelUtils.writeCollection(dest, mContentLines); } }